
Showing posts from November, 2023

Food that Makes People Sick: Understanding Common Culprits

 Foodborne illnesses are unfortunately common, with various food that makes people sick will often . Understanding these culprits can help you take steps to avoid food poisoning and stay healthy. 1. Raw or Undercooked Meats: Consuming raw or undercooked meats, especially poultry, can introduce harmful bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli into your system. 2. Raw Seafood: Raw seafood, like oysters and sushi, can be a source of foodborne illnesses such as norovirus and Vibrio bacteria. 3. Unpasteurized Dairy: Unpasteurized milk and dairy products may contain harmful pathogens, leading to infections like Listeriosis. 4. Raw Eggs: Raw or lightly cooked eggs can harbor Salmonella bacteria. It's best to avoid raw cookie dough and homemade Caesar salad dressing. 5. Leafy Greens: Leafy greens, including lettuce and spinach, are prone to contamination with E. coli and should be washed thoroughly. 6. Cross-Contamination: Cross-contamination can occur when cutting boards, utensils, or ha